Friday 27 August 2021

Adapt and Try Alert Level 4 version...

With the move to Alert Level 4 last week my teacher inquiry pretty much came to an immediate standstill. The hardest part being for me to get my head around is that I now know all the momentum we have built so far this year will take a giant step backwards, however having been in this position once before I realised quite quickly that adapt and try was the only option available to me. So with that in mind earlier this week I set my learners the familiar maths challenge to 'find the error, explain the error and fix the error', something I unpacked earlier in this post.

Unfortunately I don't have online engagement with all my focus group at this stage. However for those who are engaging this was the challenge set ( - refer to DLO below). I noticed some students preferred to work collaboratively and others independently. I have no problem with the option they choose. There are a number of ways forward for me including a small group Google Meet and making use of applications like Screencastify, but for now this allows me to once again widen my focus to my whole maths group. 

The responses on slides 2 and 3 (above) are varied in detail and use of content specific vocabulary but as with everything we do, it is about knowing your learners and understanding how they think and speak/write. What I take from these examples is that these students understand how to add decimals and understand the concept of BEDMAS, with the part that I'm get the most information from, being the explanations of the errors. In the example above I mentioned that any errors or misunderstandings can be easily ironed out in a Google Meet or through the comments tool using Mote or by written feedback. 

I need to find ways to keep the 'talk' going in Maths. However, at this stage my priority is to maintain and build on my student's maths vocabulary and strategy knowledge by continuing to provide authentic and purposeful opportunities for my students to use and apply this knowledge. Going forward we will use this time to build on the 'familiar' by strengthening the foundations already in place. 

1 comment:

  1. The adaptation of work and trying what works or not on a daily basis is a struggle. The consistency of using the vocabulary from in class to online classes is working as an advantage because of it being familiar it is strengthening the learners knowledge. Keeping their knowledge growing from an online perspective is a balance between familiar language and using that language consistently in their learning. You are achieving that.
