Tuesday 16 July 2024

PLD 2024: Understanding Autism Spectrum Disorder: Knowledge to Improve Student Learning, Participation and Outcomes.

I have recently completed the online course run by Sue Larkey, Understanding Autism Spectrum Disorder: Knowledge to Improve Student Learning, Participation and Outcomes. This has given me a huge insight into the minds of those students in our kura with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and will help me as a team leader to support my team when my support is needed. 


An analogy that resonated with me was that a child in a wheelchair needs a ramp to access a building and will need this throughout life. Age is not a factor as the same need is there, regardless of age. ASD students need their ‘ramp’ to navigate successfully through all years of school so we need to leave supports in place to help these students gain and keep independence to be able to access the learning. These children need repetition and structure as their needs are the same and should not be taken away. People with ASD do not suffer from ASD they simply have a neuro diverse outlook.

My takeaways are:

  • Each child is different and one size most definitely does not fit all. 
  • ASD is the term used to encompass a neurodiverse diagnosis
  • We need to all be on the same page when it comes to supporting out tauira.
  • Communicate by starting the sentence with a name - this is the most important word as students know you are talking to them 
  • Think about the words you are using
  • Stay calm
  • Persistence and consistency are the key to effecting change
  • Choose your battles by thinking about what the educational outcome is that you are trying to achieve
  • A diagnosis allows for support but as tecahers we can not disclose a diagnosis without parental consent
  • It is easier to change the structure than its is to change the child. Teachers need to think about what can they can put in place to effect change. (eg: having extra pens for those who just can’t find one rather than having a battle each time a pencil can't be found).
  • Structures and adaptations are about equity to allow all to access the curriculum on an equal platform
  • Different people need different structures and adaptations at different times
  • If you take away the glasses from someone who wears them they replace this with body behaviour eg: squinting… if you take away the support structure they replace this with behaviour defiance
  • Visual prompts, pre warning and time to process allow for success to be achieved.
  • Embrace difference to make a difference
  • ASD children engage and socialise differently to peers so often get left out

Here are my notes

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