Monday 1 July 2024

ISTE 24 Denver: Choose your own Adventures

Presenters: Belinda Howell and Dan Larson

Pick a path stories or choose your own adventures are not a new idea. What I liked about this poster session is how AI can be used to generate the text and the images. My biggest takeaway is how this activity can be used with events in history or provocations. The example I saw was asking students to choose one side and provide options/outcomes for making their choices. This can also be used to show mastery of concepts and definitions. when using AI you give the prompt feedback to change if what was generated doesn't suit your purpose, 'pretty much have a conversation with the AI you are using'.

Story Map and create adventure in Google forms

Multiple choice or select down - required response

AI to write prompts and generate images

Independence and Empathy: enhances students’ agency and autonomy but also cultivates empathy as they navigate diverse perspectives and outcomes. Personalisation: promotes personalised learning experiences, catering to individual interests, preferences, and learning styles. Deeper Learning: Through branching storylines and interactive elements, students are motivated to explore, experiment, and collaborate, leading to deeper comprehension and retention of content. Feedback and Reflection: Facilitates immediate feedback and reflection, empowering students to learn from their choices and adapt their strategies accordingly.

Canva for image generation
Focus here is to get engagement in the classroom

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