Sunday 1 July 2018

ISTE 2018 - Fake news media bias and misinformation - fostering digital literacy and media fluency

Presenters: Amy Blades and Carie Hinkle

Fake news, media bias and misinformation are overwhelming topics everyone must learn to navigate. The prevalence of misinformation in our daily lives makes a strong case for the urgent development of digital literacy and media fluency. In this session, you will participate in a gamified learning experience designed to foster the development of digital literacy and media fluency skills in the classroom. Add practical resources and tips to your repertoire to support students with critical analysis of digital information and media. This session is interactive, so bring your device to participate. The purpose of this session is to support educators in enhancing their repertoire of practical resources and tips to foster an increased awareness of the need for digital literacy and media fluency as necessary life skills. Through the use of gaming in the classroom, educators have the opportunity to support student choice and voice to enhance personalized learning practices.

Kiri and I both attended this session as we share a class and wanted to ensure we were giving a shared message with a shared language of instruction. Our takeaways from this session were that we already have a clear understanding of the importance of making our students aware of the need to be able to identify fake information. This is something we actively build into our teaching program and look forward to being able to enhance our current activities with the new resources we learnt about in this session.

My initial u/st - Fake news is news that provides misinformation
Consumers need to be critical judges of content
How might educators foster an environment of critical consumers in a sea of media?

% of time that fake news is not identified is huge - show egs. Use audience participation to gauge fake or real opinion from class. Examples on presentation resource.

Link to facticious site - multimodal examples

Satirical fake news - insert slides here that have egs on them
Click bait - draws the reader in for financial gain - use google images as examples
Partisan bias - used to promote a response
Fabricated - to mislead the reader

T. Need to encourage students to dissect the URL then research the domain... to help make critical decisions


- use reverse image search to check authenticity - right click to search in chrome
- Check bio on social media sites to verify accounts

Useful links:


  1. This looks like an awesome session, great resources to use too!

    1. Happy to share any resources Mairi. Hope you can pop into school on Thursday, I have some library info for you :)
